96 research outputs found

    Barcelona menja

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    A Barcelona, les relacions entre el menjar i la ciutat han estat immortalitzades al llarg del segle XX per artistes i fotògrafs que han aconseguit reflectir el seu personal punt de vista sobre les formes, temps, costums o activitats al voltant del menjar i la vida urbana. Aquests autors han demostrat la seva capacitat per a transcendir la mera descripció escènica, transmetent una amplia gamma de situacions, emocions, atmosferes i percepcions que s’han anant produint al voltant de la producció, transport, comercialització, celebració o consum del menjar a Barcelona. Dibuixants i pintors com Opisso, Urgell, Nonell, Daura, Canals, Rosiñol o Cases, entre d’altres, o fotògrafs com Ballell, Merletti, Gaspar, Colom, Sagarra, Comas, Monteys, Pérez de Rozas, Català Roca, o Miserachs han captat amb extraordinària sensibilitat moments personals, familiars i col·lectius, però també situacions en establiments públics i atmosferes urbanes al voltant del menjar i la vida ciutadana.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Barcelllona e il cibo : immagini inedite del XX secolo

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    La presenza del cibo nello spazio pubblico è ed è stata una costante nella città di Barcellona. Questo fatto rilevante ha suscitato l'interesse di pittori e fotografi che per decenni hanno proposto le loro visioni personali su forme, tempi, costumi o attività intorno al cibo e alla vita urbana. Questo articolo è il riassunto di una ricerca che ha raccolto più di 1.560 immagini dai principali archivi e musei della città, per la maggior parte inedite, realizzate nel corso del XX secolo. I disegni, le incisioni, i dipinti e le fotografie sono stati raggruppati diacronicamente in cinque gruppi tematici che vanno dal rapporto primario e dilatato del cibo alle strade e piazze della città, fino al più vicino e dettagliato rapporto del cibo con lo spazio domestico. In tutti si rileva che le attività relative al cibo sono sempre state presenti nel paesaggio urbano di Barcellona, modificandone temporaneamente o definitivamente l’aspetto. E si vede come alcune delle sue manifestazioni rimangano virtualmente intatte, altre abbiano subito grandi cambiamenti, e alcune siano scomparse del tuttoPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Architettura, cibo, città

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    Molte discipline – rispetto alle quali l’architettura è tangente – come la geografia, la sociologia e l’antropologia, hanno lungamente investigato il rapporto tra il cibo e lo spazio, producendo una vasta letteratura. L’architettura e l’urbanistica da non molto tempo hanno cominciato ad affrontare con crescente curiosità questo argomento, che ha certamente un grande impatto sull’organizzazione spaziale delle nostre vite. Questa influenza si estende ad ampio raggio: dalla scala degli oggetti, alla scala della casa e fino alla dimensione territoriale. Pertanto, questo atelier curato dal gruppo di ricerca HABITAR, della Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), vuole evidenziare alcuni aspetti del rapporto tra il cibo, l’ambiente domestico e lo spazio pubblico, delineando alcune idee utili per le ricerche future.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Calles interiores : entre la casa y la ciudad

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    Análisis de los pasos alternativos a las calles que se encuentran dentro o entre los edificios y que permiten conectar peatonalmente dos o más vías de tráfico rodado. Estos espacios intermedios y su particular situación, a caballo ‘entre la casa y la calle’, poseen algunas características que los identifican con una vía pública; pero, por otro lado, su singular atmósfera, generada por una particular espacialidad y una iluminación natural difusa, su desvinculación del bullicio urbano y su carácter reservado, permite encontrarnos al abrigo del exterior, sintiendo que estamos en la ciudad pero sin estar en ella. A lo largo del texto se analizan las calles interiores más singulares, las variadas tipologías que presentan, su trayectoria histórica, su situación actual y las posibles estrategias para su recuperación.Postprint (author's final draft

    Regenerating Barcelona: re-inhabiting the city and reusing its buildings

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    This communication is about the capacity that historical architectures have for housing new activities which are distinct to the original ones, maintaining their structural char- acteristics; while at the same time allowing, thanks to the diversity of uses, a greater public ac- cessibility to these entities. Barcelona possesses a few paradigmatic examples that demonstrate the regenerative potential of these strategies: historical complexes converted into tree-lined pas- sageways, cloisters used as arched squares, the interior area of residential blocks transformed into parks or markets used as transit zones. The need to come upon the right selection of activi- ties that these old buildings currently in disuse have to accommodate, maximizing a more po- rous relationship with the city, are necessary tactics in order to keep them standing and at the same time regenerate the indispensable bonds between architecture and urban space, offering in this manner new spheres of social relationship which contribute to their good functioning.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La reparació dinàmica del patrimoni sacre

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    L’arquitectura sacre representa, a nivell europeu, més del 70% del patrimoni catalogat. Paradoxalment, la manera de viure de part de la societat actual ha deixat d’utilitzar molts d’aquests espais litúrgics per atendre les seves necessitats espirituals. Minorada la relació entre els temples i els ciutadans, però abundant aquests primers d’una manera inqüestionable, la societat ha de ser capaç de recuperar-los tot mantenint el seu simbolisme, tan rellevant en la imatge de la ciutat. La present comunicació versa sobre l’estudi d’aquesta arquitectura sacre amb un ús minvant i de les possibilitats d’omplir-la d’altres activitats. Es proposa aconseguir canvis en els espais amb la simple alteració i convivència dels usos, afectant al mínim l’estructura formal. Ja no es tracta de ‘construir’, ni tan sols de ‘reformar’, sinó de ‘re-usar’ tot pensant en aquelles activitats que s’adapten millor i que conviuen més fàcilment amb les funcions litúrgiques. El discurs rescata alguns dels casos més interessants del panorama nacional i internacional per descobrir com poden aplicar-se a les nostres ciutats. En realitat, aquesta manera d’operar adquireix una rellevància notable i un pragmatisme necessari en uns moments de crisi com els actuals i, al mateix temps, recolza l’aplicació d’una estratègia d’austeritat ja present als evangelisPeer Reviewe

    Reconversion d’un hangar industriel (2007) par Metamorfosi Arquitectes

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    Publicació de la Reconversió d'una nau Industrial a Barcelona, realitzada per Joan Claudi MInguell i Magda Mària (Metamorfosi arquitectes) l'any 2007.Postprint (published version

    The Reuse of Housing Buildings in Barcelona. The Versatility of Old Constructive Structures

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    There are 1,463 buildings in Barcelona, from different times from the first century to the present day, that have changed their functions once or more times throughout their life. This paper analyses those cases in which changes in use relate to housing and it does it in two opposite ways: In one way, examining houses –mostly with building structures of bearing walls– that have endured functional modifications without losing its main attributes. In the opposite way around, studying buildings with other uses than housing –many of them built with isotropic structures or large structural spans– that have been converted into dwellings. On the other hand, and in both cases, the analysis addresses how the urban situation of the building conditions the use to which it will tend to be transformed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Unidades habitables y sistemes de crecimiento extensivo: modelos utópicos y realidades locales

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    Se explican los modelos de vivienda extensiva que desarrollan algunos arquitectos del Movimiento Moderno con la intención de mejorar las condiciones de habitabilidad de las viviendas. Y cómo, estos patrones de crecimiento, que tienen muchos elementos en común con otras disciplinas artísticas y artesanales, son aplicados a distintas realidades locales después de la segunda Guerra Mundial, adaptándose a los límites geográficos, climáticos, materiales, sociales y culturales de cada lugar.Postprint (author's final draft

    Learning by comparing

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    The subject Comparative Architecture, carried out in the MBArch Master of the ETSAB (UPC), proposes the comparison of 10 pairs of images as a methodology for learning architecture. Throughout the course, students elaborate 10 texts in which the multiple relationships established between two architectural or artistic works emerge; highlighting those aspects of both images that otherwise would not have arisen. In this matter, the choice of comparable examples, as well as the historical, stylistic or disciplinary mainstreaming of the works is essential, since they allow establishing relationships that go beyond typological, spatial or temporal patterns and allow very different discourses depending on the chosen 'opponent'. The paper will explain, based on 10 arguments, the teaching methodology implemented during 10 courses taught in Comparative Architecture (2010-2020). A learning system that is, at the same time, an instrument of analysis and a project tool, which aims to sharpen the gaze and the critical sense of the student. From the necessary 'archaeological survey' of disassembling the apparent forms to reassembling them through the comparisons made, concepts such as: version, analogy, contradiction, deformation, transformation, extension, reference, paradox, reminiscent or hyperbole, arise. Terms that are found in the connections that are established between the images and that grant a unitary argument to the personal recomposition that the comparative process entails. As an example, we will explain, among others, the master lines that arise from the mutual enlightening of works such Giuseppe Terragni’s Casa del Fascio in Como (1936) and the Rafael Moneo’s Murcia City Council (1998); the AEG by Peter Behrens (1913) and the Fronleichnamskirche in Aquisgran by Rudolf Schwarz (1930); or the Rotating House drawing by Paul Klee (1921) and the Kal’at Sim’ân Monastery plant in Syria (450-470). Works whose comparison show the mysterious qualities that brought them together.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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